• Public Records Requests

    Under Massachusetts law, every person has a right to access public government records. Not all records are public, and you may need to pay a fee to get them.

    Helpful Link: A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law

    How to obtain Public Records
    All requests for public records must be directed to the Records Access Officer (RAO).  The RAO has up to 10 days to provide a response to the request and is only required to provide records that are in existence. Under the updated Public Records Law, RAOs are required to provide public records in an electronic format, unless the record is not available electronically or the requester does not have the ability to receive or access electronic formats.

    Requests should be written, and may be made in person, through the postal mail, by fax, or through email. A reasonable description of the document(s) requested should be provided, to assist the RAO in identifying the requested documents 

    Records Access Officer Contacts:

    Laura Hillery, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent   

    • Mail: 1 Lord Square, Ipswich, MA 01938
    • Email: lhillery@ipsk12.net
    • Phone: 978-356-2935 ext. 1111
    • Fax: 978-356-0445

    Cost of Public Records Request:
    Research Cost
    There is no cost for the first two hours of time we need to find records. After two hours, the fee is no more than $25.00 per hour. When we review a request, we will provide you with an estimate of how much the research will cost.

    Paper Copies of Records
    The Ipswich Public Schools assumes you would like electronic copies of records if we have them. The cost of black and white paper copies of documents is $.05 per page.

    Each request is processed in the order in which it is received. Various factors affect processing time, including the request’s size and complexity, and the nature of the records sought.

    • Consider how you can narrow the scope of your request to expedite the production process.
    • The Ipswich Public Schools must adhere to the law requiring it to secure personally identifiable information and prevent unwarranted invasions of privacy. Documents containing such information must be redacted carefully before releasing, expanding the time needed for production. Consider how you might revise your public records request to exclude records containing such information.
    • Please note, the information you seek may already be available online. We encourage you to visit the Ipswich Public Schools website or the Town of Ipswich website before making a request to see if the documents you are seeking are already available.