• Students with Disabilities



    Students with identified physical or learning disabilities may want to investigate the programs and services that are specifically designed to meet their post-secondary educational needs. Students may want to make use of preparatory programs that help them identify individual learning styles and develop organizational and study skills that maximize their strengths. Within a four-year college there are often special programs for learning disabled students that provide academic advising, tutorial support, and help in coordinating special services necessary for the student to function in regular classes.

    These programs also frequently provide non-credit courses that help the student identify his or her learning style and develop appropriate compensatory skills. There is often a separate admissions process to enter an L.D. program. Even in colleges which provide no special programs for learning-disabled students, individuals with learning disabilities may take advantage of tutorial or other support services which are available to all students, and students may request appropriate modifications, such as extended time testing, taping of lectures, etc.

    As students explore post-secondary options, they should raise questions in each college setting about the availability of support services, the presence of trained L.D. specialists, and the provision for classroom modification, if necessary. In most instances, students should indicate in the application process the nature of the learning disability services they have received in high school, and the nature of accommodations that will be necessary in college, if any. If the school has a special learning support program, the student should also be in contact with the director of that program during the admissions process.

    Colleges that have a program for learning-disabled students frequently require professional assessments which document and identify the specific learning disability of the student who is applying. Students should seek help from their guidance counselor about specific programs and application procedures.

    Questions you may want to ask on a college visit.