Important Dates & Events

Important Dates & Events:

MEFA Financial Aid 101 Parent Presentation: Link HERE


Junior Parent Night: Tuesday, February 11th, 6-7:30p in the IHS Library

Please join us for a guidance presentation on college research, applications and admissions. Parents or guardians of students considering applying to four-year schools should attend this event.


SAT Exam: The DEADLINE to register with College Board for the March 8th SAT exam is February 21st


ACT Exam: The DEADLINE to register ( for the April 5th ACT exam is February 28th


Institution for Savings $20,000 & Norman L. Quint Scholarships: HERE is the link for the scholarship applications. They are DUE TO GUIDANCE no later than March 31st at 2:30p. These are separate from the IHS Scholarships.