• Welcome Incoming 2024-25 Kindergarten Families !

    In order to be eligible for entrance to kindergarten in September of 2024, a child must be five years old on or before August 31, 2024.

    Step 1: Kindergarten Roundup

    Kindergarten Roundup is the first step in the kindergarten registration process.  Each year at this time, we try to determine the names of children who will enter kindergarten in the Ipswich Public Schools in September.  It is essential that we have these names now so that we can begin the school registration process and plan for classes.  

    Please complete the Kindergarten Roundup Form HERE.

    Step 2: Enrollment Paperwork

    Once you have completed the Kindergarten Roundup, you should begin the enrollment paperwork. Completed enrollment packets can be sent directly to Mel McFayden at 1 Lord Square, Ipswich, MA 01938. These can also be emailed directly to mmcfayden@ipsk12.net. 

    Enrollment packets can be found by clicking HERE.

    If you would like to request a hard copy, please email mmcfayden@ipsk12.net with your name and address. 

    In addition to a completed enrollment packet, the following documents are also required and must be included when enrolling your student:

    • Residency Documentation (as outlined on page 1 and 2 of the enrollment packet)
    • Notarized Residency Affidavit (in lieu of other residency documents)
    • Birth Certificate
    • Immunization Record
    • Current Physical
    • Individualized Education Plan (when applicable)
    • 504 Accommodation Plan (when applicable)