• Traverso-Weatherall Innovation Grants Committee:

    (Formerly the Mini-Grants)

    The Innovation Grants Committee is a diverse group which utilizes staggered term limits to avoid complete turnover of members in a particular year. This committee meets during each grant cycle to review and evaluate all Innovation Grant applications, votes to approve qualifying requests, and then advances them to the Ipswich School Committee for final approval.  


    Traverso-Weatherall Innovation Grants Committee Members:

    Jena Woodworth - Doyon rep
    Jen Lacava - Winthrop rep
    Kara McLeod -  IMS rep
    Cathy Morris - IHS rep/ chairperson
    Jennifer Donahue - School Committee rep
    Amy Sullivan- Admin Rep
    Jonathan Chouvelon - Student rep
    Patti Ganley - Community rep