• Overview of Paine Grants

    The William Paine Enhancement Grants (Paine grants) are awarded each spring for major grant funding (> $7,500) based upon identified district priorities, goals, initiatives, and needs.

    Grant applications are initiated by current Ipswich Public Schools faculty and staff, and must align with district and school goals as outlined in the Strategy for District Improvement and School Improvement Plans. After grants are submitted, they will be forwarded to the building administrator, the Technology department, and the Superintendent. Grant applicants are no longer responsible for obtaining these signatures. See Important Dates (add link) for the application deadline.

    Once completed grant applications are received each spring, they are reviewed by the William Paine Enhancement Grant Committee (Paine Grant Committee). This is a diverse group of school and community members appointed by the Ipswich school committee with staggered term limits to avoid complete turnover of members in a particular year. The committee meets during each grant cycle to review and evaluate all Paine grant applications, votes to approve qualifying requests, and then advances them to the Ipswich School Committee for final approval. The committee is comprised of:

    School Finance Director (non-voting member)

    1 secondary teacher

    School committee member (non-voting member)

    1 secondary parent

    Finance committee representative

    2 community business representatives

    Select Board representative

    At-large community representative

    1 school administrator

    High school student

    1 elementary parent