• William Paine Enhancement Grants: Instructions 


    The William Paine Enhancement Grants are awarded on an annual basis each spring for major grant funding based upon identified district priorities, goals, initiatives, and needs. Dedicated to enhancing education for the benefit of all Ipswich Public Schools students, these funds are named in honor of William Paine, whose bequest of the Lands at Little Neck in 1660 to the Public School of Ipswich made everything possible. 

    Enhancement Grant applications may be initiated by current Ipswich Public Schools faculty and staff, but must be officially endorsed and submitted by the Superintendent on behalf of the students, faculty, administration, and staff of the Ipswich Public Schools. Building principals should also ensure that grant applications are in alignment with district and school goals before endorsing them to proceed to the Superintendent. One-year projects, programs, and activities are not necessarily excluded from continued funding, but must be re-submitted for future grant consideration.

    Staff positions may be funded by an Enhancement Grant provided that (1) positions directly support Feoffees-funded initiatives, and (2) the funding duration of any positions are defined in the initial grant proposal. Compensation for positions initially funded by Feoffee funding may be extended at the discretion of the Superintendent working in collaboration with the School Committee. Funding for said positions may come from either Feoffee funds or other revenue sources.

    Responsibilities of Grant Applicants

      • Review rubric for Enhancement Grant evaluations
      • Obtain approval from Technology Director using the Technology Approval Form [If technology is requested]
      • Complete the Budget Detail Spreadsheet [Required]
      • Complete Paine Grant Application with final approval by Superintendent [Required] 
        • Short Application: Grant requests below $15,000
        • Regular Application: Grant requests at or above $15,000
      • Submit Grant Application Package electronically, which includes the above 3 documents and any supporting information by application deadline to Central Office. Late applications are not accepted.

    Grant Application Evaluation and Approval Process

    Enhancement Grant Committee reviews and evaluates all Enhancement Grant applications, votes to approve qualifying requests, and then advances them to the Ipswich School Committee for final approval. 

    After Approval

    • Funding made available in July
    • For reimbursements and requisitions, please see the IPS website for detailed information regarding the Paine Grant Financial Forms and Procedures 
    • Grant recipients shall complete end-of-year reports which are presented at the end of each grant cycle to the Ipswich School Committee