
    Mission Statement:

    Ipswich Public Schools aspires to empower ALL students to be global citizens who are effective communicators, analytical problem solvers and savvy consumers of information.  We propose to do this through an emphasis on communication, critical thinking, creativity, self-management, perseverance and collaboration.  Students will be active partners in authentic learning, offering voice and choice in demonstrating competency. 

     Core Values:

    • Foster trust based on open communication with fellow committee members, other town boards, and the community
    • Honor the responsibility to serve our students, educators and community
    • Treat with respect the opinions and ideas of others who are equally invested in our community and its future

    Guiding Principles:

    • Support an educationally sound budget that considers the needs of all students
    • Provide policy support for the establishment of high standards for all students
    • Actively listen to and engage with the district, educational administration, and our community


    • Be fully present during our meetings and come prepared
    • Listen openly and respectfully to one another during our meetings
    • Act with personal responsibility and integrity during and outside our meeting
  • Meeting Information


    School Committee Open Session Meetings are typically held on the first and third Thursday of the month in the MS/HS Ensemble Room located at 134 High Street, Ipswich and begin at 7:00 PM. 

    These meetings are broadcasted live on ICAM.  To view these meetings, please tune into Comcast Channel 22 and Verizon Channel 31. Meetings can also be veiwed on the ICAM Ipswich website: www.icamipswich.com.