IMS Athletics

  • IMS Sports Facts

    All Sports Registration is now managed online at Family ID/Arbiter. Payments may be made online at City Hall Systems, or sent in to the office in the form of cash or check. Checks must be made out to Ipswich Middle School, with the student's name and sport on the memo line.

    Intramural Sports: a one-time user fee of $50.00 per school year

    Interscholastic Sports: $75.00 fee per sport with a cap of $150.00 per school year, per student.
    If you have any questions about fees or if you would like to request a scholarship, please reach out to IMS Secretary, Katie Henderson (

    Concussion Form must be completed prior to participation. (Online at

    Physical Examinations/Medical Coverage
    All students must pass a physical examination within thirteen months of the start of each season. A physical exam will expire 13 months to the date of exam and will need to be updated to continue participation. Physical examinations must be performed by a duly registered Physician, Physician’s Assistant or Nurse Practitioner. The Sports Medicine Committee recommended physical examination form is in the MIAA White Book. (MIAA Rule 56)

    Intramural Athletic Director - Ms. McNichols

    Intramural Sports offered during the school year may include: volleyball, basketball, dodgeball, badminton, and ultimate frisbee. Information about Intramurals can be found here

     Online Payments (make sure to select "middle school")